
Thursday, December 10, 2015


I am a fan of happy endings in books and this is one of the reasons that two of my favourite genres are Cozy Mystery and light-hearted Romance ☺

While reading a Mystery, I enjoy the mental stimulation that comes with trying to solve the Mystery along with the sleuth ☺ 

But I don't crave strong excitement or deep contemplation while reading books. I get more than enough opportunities to ponder over serious issues in real-life and so when I get a chance to temporarily escape into the wonderful world of fiction, I prefer my reading experience to leave me feeling happy and relaxed ☺

With Mystery books, I like the resolution to be logically satisfactory and morally pleasing ☺ 

In both Mystery and Romance books, even if some secondary positive characters must face sorrow, loss or death, for the right cause ...but it's my preference that the main positive characters in a book manage to achieve happily ever after ☺ 

As far as the negative characters are concerned, well, if they are sincerely remorseful and there is no permanent damage done then they could be forgiven. But in my opinion, extremely offensive characters, like murderers, don't deserve happy endings. 

Basically, I prefer such stories that end on a positive note and convey the message that if people possess wonderful qualities like faith, optimism, courage, honesty, fidelity, loyalty, tolerance, decency, courtesy, compassion, forgiveness etc then they do eventually get blessed with happiness ☺

This motivates me to incorporate such qualities in my own personality ☺

Such endings may not always happen in real-life, however, here I would like to reiterate that as far as I am concerned, I actually do not wish that the books that I read greatly resemble reality, since to me, reading fiction is like going on a vacation to a wonderful world, which is preferably different from the real world, where I can just relax and unwind ☺  

Reading such books provide me immense happiness and a sense of deep comfort ...and afterwards, I am prepared to face the responsibilities of real-life with strengthened faith, renewed hope, rested mind and fresh enthusiasm ☺

What is your favourite type of ending in books ...and why?

Those interested are welcome to answer this question through their comments, thanks! ☺

Those interested can also check out the discussion on this topic on Goodreads by clicking! Thanks! ☺


  1. I totally understand why you lean towards happy endings but sometimes killing off a few characters and implying that time will heal wounds and all is not lost really has a profound effect on me. I love books which show heroes rising from pain and loss to become stronger and better people. Whatever happens in the end it should be meaningful and karma had better have a say in it ;)

  2. Ramla Zareen, Happy 1st Anniversary of A Cozy Mystery is Announced! I am honored to have been one of your guests.

    Happy New Year!


  3. I am missing new things on the cozy murder blog. About time some addition was done.
